Dr. Crowder publishes an article in "The Pursuit Journal", a publication of the Criminal Justice Association of Georgia

KENNESAW, Ga. (Sep 18, 2018) —  

Title: "Liars in Public Safety: Case Studies of Deception"

Public safety employees are expected to have and display the morals of their profession and are often held to a higher ethical standard than the community they serve. Organizational and
occupational licensing mandates require public safety employees to be truthful in word and deed; however, that is not always the case. This paper will examine the use of deception by public
safety employees in one organization during internal investigations of drug use. Linguistic insight into deception, characteristics of liars, and outcomes in the cases are scrutinized. Suggestions for investigative improvement are offered and additional research indicators are presented.

The Pursuit, Volume 2, Issue 1 (Fall 2018)
